Use http authentication from environment variable, keychain or prompt Wraps httr::authenticate() for convenience. See get_pass2() for details.

authenticate2(user, password = NULL, type = "basic", service, keyring = NULL)



user name




type of HTTP authentication. Should be one of the following types supported by Curl: basic, digest, digest_ie, gssnegotiate, ntlm, any. It defaults to "basic", the most common type.


[character(1)] giving the service to authenticate against with user and password, for example "". Also used to retrieve from and store the password in keyring. If a longer URL is provided, the domain is extracted using urltools::domain(), which is the conventional name for storing secrets (for example, "", not "").


For systems that support multiple keyrings, specify the name of the keyring to use here. If NULL, then the default keyring is used. See also has_keyring_support().


Key and token-based authentication is more secure and convenient; use basic authentication (BA, aka. username and password) only if unavoidable and at your own risk. Read the httr vignette on managing secrets for details.